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Professional Development


Leading teachers and cultivating school culture can be challenging as you move to online or hybrid models of learning. Work with an experienced online school leader to look for solutions and methodology you can implement in your school or district. Explore how in-person roles can transition to the online environment.


Teachers, adminastors, and staff need training, and ongoing support as they become proficient online teachers. E-venture offers in-person or virtual online teacher training centered around the programs your school is using. We are also available for ongoing teacher support for drop-in support and solution development.


As students transition to a new learning environment, they need support and new set of skills to be successful. A Virtual Learning Coach is someone that can help keep a student engage and help them build these skills.  A Virtual Learning Coach and engage students is self-reflection, time management exercises, help them plan their day, and learn how to set an achieve goals. A coach is someone who guides and empowers. This partnership between student, parent, and coach give the student additional layer of support as they learn how to be an online learner. A coach can help students plan out their week, brainstorm project ideas, offer emotional support, and even be an additional person the student checks in with on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. In our experience students operate best with about 1-2 hours of time with a coach per week.

Intake Form for Services

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