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About Brittanie

Founder & Principal


My story began like the many others that came before me - I didn’t know I wanted to teach until it happened.  While pursuing a performing arts major, I felt a calling to the field of education. Once I changed my major, I never looked back.  I studied the craft and the science; and learned from every teacher that would share their knowledge and style with me.  My first job was in the same elementary school I attended as a child


and I was excited to work with my team teacher.  Just like my educators did for me and my siblings, I turned a dusty, empty classroom into a magical place for students to explore and discover what learning means for them.


After giving birth to my first child, as a family we decided it would best for me to stay home and enjoy the gift of time with my baby. However it was after my second child was born and growing that quickly I felt a pull back to the classroom.  How could I do both?  Can I really be effective as a working mother?  I felt stuck between a passion for educating and a love of the time with my children.


What helped me discover online education was the realization that I never really left the profession – I was always “in school” researching the trade and looking for more insights.  In between naps and activities, I found myself spending more time reading and learning about the field of education and discovered some pretty compelling questions:


  • Is online teaching even real teaching?

  • Are online schools, “real” schools?

  • Can I teach online as effectively as in person?

  • What about the younger years?


In October of 2015, I found an excellent opportunity to explore these questions in practice with a top 10 accredited K-12, global online school.   


I saw many struggles with barriers to online education but once each barrier was broken down and addressed for the individual, online educational efficacy soared!  I began to see these barriers as digital classroom barriers and applied adapted teaching strategies to address them.  It wasn’t long before I was recording, documenting and relaying these adapted strategies on to the staff and grew into the Director of Education, scaling personalized education models to enable school growth from less than 90 to over 550 in a few years.


The year 2020 brought many difficulties to everyday lives, and digital education in now more important than ever.  I decided it is time to formalize my thoughts and practices into digital frameworks that are scalable and quickly adoptable.  I want to work with traditional schools of all sizes to help adapt teaching strategies to deliver effective online learning with measurable outcomes.  Online brings a different set of barriers but by addressing digital barriers with a practical and pragmatic approach, education is now closer to the student and empowers them in ways uniquely their own.


Welcome and I'd love to chat!



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